Thursday, May 7, 2009

what are the symptoms of swine flu

What is the swine flu?

Influenza is an acute respiratory infectious diseases, from A-type influenza virus, usually in the outbreak in pigs and rarely leading to death. Swine influenza outbreaks in autumn and winter are usually can be spread throughout the year. There are many types of swine flu, like the people had influenza, the infection will continue to change.

what are the symptoms of swine flu?

Under normal circumstances, swine flu does not infect humans, but in recent years also found that some people infected with swine flu cases, with most patients had direct contact with diseased people. Has been confirmed that swine influenza virus infection in the interpersonal case, although such cases are extremely rare, and its route of transmission of seasonal influenza and similar, usually through infected persons, such as coughing and sneezing. People infected with swine flu symptoms and common future symptoms similar to seasonal influenza.


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