Thursday, May 7, 2009

symptoms of the swine flu

symptoms of the swine flu

Swine flu symptoms (WHO named as A-type influenza, China H1N1 influenza virus known as influenza): swine flu was first sale or loss of appetite, flushing conjunctiva, viscous flow from the nasal secretions, body temperature increased rapidly to 40.5 -42.5 ℃, low spirit, loss of appetite waste can, and sometimes a few to drink water, cough, purulent discharge from nasal outflow. Respiration and heart rate increased, the last serious asthma, or the dog was sitting abdominal breathing.

The development of constipation hard stool, urine yellow short. Body weakness, not action. Pasteurella, such as secondary disease, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae disease, the mortality rate can be tall and more than 10%. Pig feeding patients suffering from common cold reduce the body temperature around 40 ℃, flow nasal T-money, and sometimes cough, ear, cold lower limbs, dark hair, urine normal, strengthening care, almost no deaths.


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