Sunday, May 3, 2009

Swine(H1N1) ful epidemic

Swine(H1N1) ful epidemic:

California, H1N1 Type A influenza reported a sudden surge of cases on the 2nd. At the same time, U.S. health officials do not rule out that this new source of influenza in California.

California Office of Public Health announced on the 2nd, as of the afternoon, the California Type A H1N1 influenza have been found 24 cases of confirmed cases, seven cases of an increase than yesterday, and suspected cases rose to 110 cases, more than doubled yesterday.

Cases in which first discovered the most San Diego County, as many as 11 cases of confirmed cases, while suspected cases rose to 19 cases. A large population of Los Angeles County has not been any confirmed cases, only two cases of suspected cases. So far, a total of six counties in California found that confirmed cases, 21 suspected patients with the county.

Swine(H1N1) ful epidemic:

As early as March 30, linked by mountains and rivers of California and Mexico, a San Diego County for medical treatment-year-old boy was infected, CDC April 13 by the United States diagnosed with "swine flu"; March 28, near the California Imperial County, ill treatment of a nine-year-old girl, was diagnosed April 17 as a "swine flu." This is the first discovered H1N1 Type A influenza cases, and at this time, Mexico has not been an outbreak of the epidemic. U.S. Federal CDC (CDC) said today that a spokesman for Scott, do not rule out the "swine flu" the source in California. By the end of April, the Mexican Health Minister Jose has also been hinted that a similar point of view.

Swine(H1N1) ful epidemic:

According to Mexican media reports, the epidemic has been away from the Baja California peninsula of Mexico is finally "fall", is located near the US-Mexican border city of Mexicali (Mexicali) found for the first time today, four cases of confirmed cases, which are one-year-old to 12-year-old of infants and children, and in these patients by the end of March or early April illness, and California was originally the "swine flu" close to patients. Both the US-Mexican case is not yet clear whether there is any correlation, priorities are also difficult to determine.

According to foreign reports, the United States has been found in 27 states H1N1 Type A influenza cases, a total of 176 cases of confirmed cases, of which the State of New York, Texas and California the most cases.


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