Friday, May 1, 2009

h1n1 flu and pregnancy

Pregnant, be cautious defense h1n1 flu, the following suggestions are very good:

During my pregnancy two years ago, I washed my hands constantly and there was no threat of h1n1 flu. I got plenty of rest, ate lots of organic fruits and vegetables, took my prenatal vitamin, and stayed away from large crowds. I suggest you do all of this to protect yourself (and your unborn baby) and keep your immune system as strong as possible. If I were pregnant again now, I would not go out in public (grocery store, etc.) without wearing a protective mask. Even if you have heard of any cases in your area, I would not go out without a mask just in case. And after your baby is born, be sure to breastfeed for at least one year to give your baby the strongest immune system possible.

h1n1 flu and pregnancy is Not related , but must be careful


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