Friday, May 1, 2009

h1n1 flu affected areas

As of April 30, has 23 countries and regions, the outbreak of h1n1 flu:

h1n1 flu affected areas:
(Value is the number of suspected cases)

Mexico more than 2498
United States 118 (new 9)
Canada 31 (new 12)
Colombia 42
Costa Rica 50
Honduras 9
Peru 1
Chile 24
Brazil 36

United Kingdom 23
France 4
Spain 87 (new 17)
Germany 3
Czech Republic 3
Italy 20 (new 19)
Switzerland 25 (new 20)
Denmark 5 no no
Poland 3 no no
Austria 5 no
Netherlands 1 (add 1)

New Zealand 104 (new 8)
Australia 128 (new 37)

Israel 3
South Korea 17
Thailand 1
Japan 1
India 1
Hong Kong 7

h1n1 flu affected areas is more !


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