Saturday, May 2, 2009

H1N1 flu affair

H1N1 flu affair:
Mexico Ministry of Health officials said the country may have 81 people died of H1N1 flu, of which 20 have been confirmed, in addition to more than 4,000 suspected cases. In the United States, the latest confirmed that 3 people are infected with H1N1 flu, and found a number of suspected cases. World Health Organization, and governments are highly concerned about the development of the epidemic.

Integrated media reported April 26, Mexican President Felipe Calderon has ordered the isolation of patients with H1N1 flu. 26, the abolition of the capital, Mexico City, including concerts, sporting events, church services, including all activities in order to avoid a large number of staff together. Mexican soldiers and health workers at airports and bus stations have stepped up patrols, investigation of persons associated symptoms.

H1N1 flu affair:

The United States, California, Kansas, and a total of 25 found three patients with H1N1 flu, which makes the total number of U.S. patients 11.

25 World Health Organization called on all countries to report on the H1N1 flu and monitoring, said the United States, Mexico and the H1N1 flu epidemic has become "an international public health impact of an emergency." The Director-General Dr Margaret Chan, the view that clear the virus into a pandemic virus with the potential, but can not make a definite way. At present, the airport around the world is full screening of passengers flying in from Mexico.

Children and the elderly with previous influenza virus infection more vulnerable situation is different, the patients infected young adults, so this caused great concern of all parties. Of human infection with H1N1 influenza, it will appear high fever, anorexia, cough and other symptoms, the situation would be dead serious.


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